“SmartX has successfully penetrated into customers that heavily rely on IT for business and operation, including allkinds of financial service institutes, large hospitals, and manufacturing. Good experience in system reliability has earned customers’ confidence in their products.” ——Gartner 2019《Competitive Landscape: Hyperconverged Infrastructure, China》
近日,国际权威研究分析机构 Gartner 发布报告《Competitive Landscape: Hyperconverged Infrastructure, China》,洞悉中国超融合市场的趋势,并盘点了超融合市场的代表性厂商与竞争格局。国内领先的超融合与分布式块存储方案提供商 SmartX (北京志凌海纳科技有限公司) 成为报告重点关注的企业之一。报告显示,核心技术自主可控与 “生产就绪” 产品已成为 SmartX 在市场竞争中的差异化标签。
1. 全球超融合市场依旧保持快速增长, Gartner 预测截止到 2023 年,市场复合增长率依旧可以达到 23% ,中国市场同样紧随趋势 ;
2. 超融合市场正在从中等规模客户向大型企业扩张,应用场景也从服务器虚拟化、 VDI 、分支机构场景扩展到数据库、 Cloud 等关键业务场景 ;
3. 大中型企业对公有云的采纳率很低, 2018 年云迁移率仅为 11% ,混合云仍然处于早期,相反,用户更倾向于在私有环境部署类似的云基础架构 。
在报告中, Gartner 列出包括 SmartX 、 Nutanix 、 Dell EMC 、 华为 、深信服在内的多家中国区超融合主流玩家。其中 Dell EMC 、华为、深信服等厂商整体特点是利用数据中心市场多年的客户和渠道积累,实现市场的快速覆盖,而 SmartX 、 Nutanix 则属于真正通过产品差异化优势而获得市场的产品型厂商。
自 2013 年成立以来, SmartX 持续专注于超融合领域以及分布式块存储技术,是中国率先探索该领域且一直深耕于此的专业厂商。Gartner 报告指出, SmartX 所有存储核心代码全部自主可控,凭借自主研发的核心技术,使得超融合系统获得更优的性能及可靠性。SmartX 核心产品 —— SMTX OS 超融合系统,是构筑弹性敏捷的超融合基础架构的根基,其包括基于 KVM 的内置虚拟机服务(称为 ELF ,其无需额外购买单独许可)、分布式块存储和 web 管理模块。此外, SMTX OS 还支持 vSphere 和 Xen ,可以在几乎所有主流 x86 服务器供应商的认证服务器上运行。

( Gartner 报告 SmartX 相关部分节选)
除产品差异化优势外, Gartner 还在报告中充分总结了 SmartX 的行业拓展及客户服务情况。
( Gartner 报告 SmartX 相关部分节选)
报告指出, SmartX 已成功将超融合与分布式块存储引入到金融领域各大细分行业、大型医院、高端制造业等。对这些行业而言,其 IT 基础架构往往强调极高的可靠性和安全性。基于自主可控核心技术,“生产就绪” 的 SmartX 超融合产品的稳定性已充分赢得了客户的信心及信赖,并已在相关生产系统中部署,用以支持企业关键业务,推动基础架构的搭建与进一步革新。在超融合细分领域,面对来自国际一线大厂 Nutanix 和 VMware 的竞争, SmartX 在响应时间与服务效率上更具优势。产品与服务的双重发力既让 SmartX 获得了一批忠实客户,同时也支持了公司业绩上的长足发展,金融等领域的客户对 SmartX 的产品充满信心。
此外,作为一家超融合专业厂商, SmartX 还构建了广泛与开放的生态体系,合作伙伴包括底层的服务器硬件、虚拟化,上层的云管理平台等。目前, SmartX 与 OpenStack 及本土云管理平台可共同构建云基础设施,支持企业的数字化转型。SmartX 还通过与专业领域企业深化合作,以增强数据服务能力和安全性,满足用户的备份与数据安全等需求。为支持容器化工作负载, SMTX OS 还支持 Kubernetes CSI 插件并与业界领先的容器管理软件提供商 Rancher 的管理程序进行了有效集成。
未来,以核心技术自主可控及 “生产就绪” 产品作为发展原动力, SmartX 将继续针对产品、客户服务、生态合作全面发力,在超融合 “峭壁” 上执着攀登,在竞争激烈的超融合市场中始终独占一隅。
附:Gartner 报告 SmartX 相关全文
Product or Portfolio Overview
Founded in 2013 as a dedicated HCI player, SmartX is known for its fully self-developed distributed block storage. Full control of the code helps improve the performance and reliability of the HCI system. The core of its offering is SMTX OS, including KVM-based hypervisor (namely ELF, optional at no additional cost), distributed storage and management modules that combine to serve as the foundation of an elastic hyperconverged infrastructure. In addition, SMTX OS also support vSphere and XenServer. SMTX OS can run on certified servers from almost all mainstream x86 server vendors. Its footprint has extended to all typical HCI use cases in the financial, healthcare and manufacturing sectors.
How This Provider Competes
SmartX has successfully penetrated into customers that heavily rely on IT for business and operation, including all kinds of financial service institutions, large hospitals and manufacturing. Good experience in system reliability has earned customers’ confidence in its products and has given the company opportunity to scale — more than half of its financial industry’s revenue comes from existing customers. In these verticals, SmartX faces direct competition from global vendors such as Nutanix and VMware, where they have advantages in terms of cost and time-to-response over these multinational suppliers.
As a pure-play HCI vendor, SmartX has built a relatively broad and open ecosystem, with multivendor support from server hardware, virtualization, to cloud management platforms.It can now work together with OpenStack and local CMP products to build a cloud infrastructure. The company also enhanced its data services and security to satisfy customers’ requirements on backup and security by partnering with specialized vendors. To support containerized workload, SMTX OS has supported Kubernetes Container Storage Interface (CSI) plug-ins and integrated hypervisor management with Rancher.
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