Jiangsu Suning Bank is a technology-driven O2O bank and the first O2O bank in China. Following the business logic of "Fintech + Scene Finance = Inclusive Finance", it aims to build an innovative bank with the largest inclusive finance customer base and the most Fintech applications in Jiangsu province of China.


The traditional centralized architecture struggles to meet business needs.

With dedicated hardware, operation & maintenance is complex and costly.

Poor performance of centralized architecture undermines application stability.

SmartX’s native ELF virtualization of production and DR environments
Stable operation of 100+ databases supporting core production environments
Transitioning from centralized to distributed architecture: Better cope with the high concurrency demands of internet-based business applications.
Reducing O&M difficulty and TCO: Decoupling hardware and software based on mature software-defined products and general hardware products.
30% reduction in hardware purchase quantity and 50% reduction in space usage: Streamlined HCI architecture provides the option of on-demand investment by starting small.
Free built-in hypervisor: SmartX native hypervisor supports heterogeneous hardware to further reduce overall cost.
MySQL (Supporting e-bills, corporate online banking, account system, risk management, etc.)