With a history of over forty years, Tianjin Trust provides a wide range of trust products including assembled funds trust, individual fund trust, equity investment, equity acquisition, financing lease, and designated projects.

SmartX's HCI solution helps upgrade and transform our production environments. It provides better performance, higher reliability, and flexibility to allow critical productions and internet business applications to operate continuously and efficiently. We developed second-level RPO and minute-level RTO disaster recovery capabilities at a lower cost using the disaster recovery solution via HCI. The sustained partnership with SmartX has empowered us to push ahead with cloud-based upgrading and transformation and provide better products and services for our customers.

Zhou Zheng, Deputy General Manager of the Information Technology Department, Tianjin Trust Co., Ltd.


Traditional centralized storage architecture has a risk of single point of failure

Single IDC cannot meet business continuity requirements

Traditional IT infrastructure faces difficulties in performance optimization and resources scaling, unable to support the growth of agile businesses

Insufficient IT staff and complex infrastructure lead to inefficient system operation and maintenance

A distributed infrastructure with high reliability and high-performance that underlies critical applications (i.e. Oracle) and agile internet applications
Support multiple virtualization platforms
Support high-density server deployment to build disaster recovery infrastructure with fewer resources
Simplified architecture and strong operation and maintenance capabilities reduce the workload of IT staff
2 Days
Quick deployment and release
Reduction in the hardware cost of implementing disaster recovery solutions
RPO < 10s,RTO < 10m
Better business continuity and higher data reliability
1 Maintainer
As few as one IT staff is sufficient to meet operation and maintenance needs